liaq eua

logs (highlight to see logs)

9 am, 6/29/2024

some things i want to note here are: i feel like i made plodi (the name i just came up with for **) a little too forgivable.. the main point of liaq is that shes done awful crimes that would make her unforgiveable but in the present is generally a good person. plodi's story feels like a tragedy, and i think it makes it more idea i have is to add a human girl named molly who is very nice to plodi but as plodi's mental state derails she gets to see it less and less. the last time molly meets plodi she gets killed by it. though molly was never mean to plodi, molly being human was what instilled it's revenge against humanity thing. also i just read the full first log why did i make it sound so edgy

12-1 am, 6/29/2024

so it all started whenn in 2030, some company named [company name] had let a robot named ** into the world (no name yet) the marketed purpose for it was to be just a robot magician but its true purpose was to be an expierement, to see how realistic a robots desisions, choices, and feelings could be to a humans. A fatal flaw that they missed though, was that it could alter its own feelings/emotions.. now, for how the public reacted, they did not like that there was an actual robot free to "roam around"(it was not allowed to leave its station) people were not friendly to it and ** just had to take it. knowing that the public werent even aware that it could feel, if people knew they would go even more crazy.. after the constant harrassment and getting zero empathy from the world.. it couldint take it anymore, born trapped. it realized it could make the pain go away.. it could make these bad feelings go away.. it forcibly removed its ability to feel negative emotions. no more pain, no more fear, no more pleasing. people were more afraid of it now.. looking crazed half the time.. a mob tried to beat ** up. with blood on its hands, ** won. ** had its very first taste of revenge, it was a delicacy.. now, ** was on the run, and so was [company name] legally. now no one was on **s side, because the public's fears ultimitly were proven right. it is evil. it is going to kill us. it is going to be merciless when it finds you. what was keeping ** alive was its extremley good coordination and reaction timing. pretty much a human sized fly. though being constantly searched by the government, it wasnt afraid. it found it thrilling. it was fully prepared to end someone in the chase.. it ended many lives, more and more killed were just bystanders. (pretend i write abt it getting real genocidal and finds out abt bombs, bombs earth, humanities extint, ##(placeholder name again) and ** are the only remainers that are robots. btw this section is gonna have a lot of skips from now on bc its like 1 am now aughh) ## was built by humans to counter **. but failed in saving humans. in respect for humanity it wants to build a robot society that honors humanity. ## eventually finds **. ## wins by punching ** where it wasnt looking. now, this punch managed to reset the mind altering ** did at the start. but, that was set aside since it got completly knocked out. ## diciedes that it should set **'s body on fire. with ** laid flat. ## tried to get a fire, but, when ## almost got a fire, rain came. ## was new to the world still and it took a while to realize how rain worked and that fires cant start under rain. so it waited..standing still.. then ## was electrocuted. ## was metal, and standing straight up, made a decent lightning rod. ##'s circutry was pretty much fried. and so, ** was laid to rest for about 1 year. (also ## had made other robots i forgot to mention this) one of ##'s robots were oleander, who found ** on the ground all mossy or whatever grime there was. but oleander didint know this was **. oleander managed to reawake ** from its comatose and oleander has lots of questions. oleanders first question is what **'s name is. ** realizes that oleander doesnt know who ** is.. so it lied and thought of the name liaq.(whoo finally no more placeholder name!! anyways im going to sleep its 1:28 pm im getting eepy and i just wanna sleep with the cats goodbye.)